Dubrovnik - the Old City is surrounded by a massive wall. Over 200 bombs landed within the old city in 1991-92 during the Croatian War for Independence.

The main street in Dubrovnik Old City. Early morning before the tour groups arrive.

The main street in Dubrovnik after the tour groups have arrived. A bustling place.

Getting ready for the parishioners who will arrive for early morning mass - Dubrovnik

Dubrovnik's Old City is shaped like a bowl. You can't go anywhere without taking the steps.

The Roofline of Hvar with the Adriatic behind

Boats at rest at sunrise in Hvar harbour.

Angel in the sunset at Hvar

Sunset light in cemetery in Hvar

Sunset on the Adriatic taken from the Fort at Hvar.

Plitvice National Park - water flowing everywhere

A local resident of Plitvice National Park

Plitvice National Park - an amazing place

Sunrise in the town of Rovinj.