These are tidal flats where most of the bear pictures were taken. The aptly named Slope Mountain is in the background. The bears would fish here at the mouth of the Silver Salmon Creek at low tide when the water was shallowest.

On the way to the creek

Watching for salmon

Salmon in sight

Getting a birds eye view

Out of my way!


Teacing the kids to fish

More wildlife. We also saw a wolf but I was unable to get a shot of it.

An interested observer


We took a half-day trip to an island filled with Puffins.

It was much easier photographing the puffins at rest than the ones flying.

A puffin bringing home supper with Mount Redoubt in the background.

Cub in the meadow

A bear scratching herself against the rough surface of the bear statue at the lodge.

I was surprised to learn that bears do a lot of grazing for sedge grasses and roots.

I like the reflection on this shot.

Two Cute!